Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Protest Poster

Artist’s statement

This was the most challenging assignment for me yet in this class.  I suppose I don’t have a lot of strong opinions to share or something, but I had difficulty narrowing down a topic.  There were some thoughts floating around my head that had not completely formed on topics such as abortion and sex education (or lack thereof) in public schools, but I realized as I tried to imagine posters for these subjects that I really am not sufficiently well-informed to comment on either with any sort of credibility.  

My thoughts turned to politics, where I settled on the idea of partisanship in American politics.  I have long been frustrated with the polarizing effect that our two-party system has on every issue.  People are not concerned so much with what is right, but with who is right.  I feel that it is a rather dangerous thing to say that you either belong to one party or the other.  One platform cannot possibly be completely compatible with every opinion I have.

Solving a Rubik’s cube is all about separating colors.  It is easy to understand and plain to see when it is finished.  I feel that the same does not apply to people or states.  When Utah is labeled as a ‘red state’ and Oregon, Massachusetts and New York are considered ‘blue states’, it represents a gross oversimplification of the people who live in those states.

I received almost no response when I posted this on Facebook other than a few "likes".  I guess it was not a politically polarizing opinion (and purposely so), and thus didn't spark strong emotions in people.  It's more about reflection than discussion, I suppose.

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