Monday, October 29, 2012

Webspinna links

Artist's Statement (Reflection)

The webspinna was a fun opportunity to glimpse into the personalities of my classmates, both through the performances and the act of gathering for food and sociality, departing from the classroom setting in which we are accustomed to each other's company.  

In my preparation for the performance I found myself in the unhappy situation of realizing that I didn't really know of any websites with cool audio from which to glean the elements of my 'spinna'.  I resorted to Google, typing in a search something like, "websites with cool sound."  I discovered several sound effects libraries and strange archives, but finally one link took me to a blog with about two dozen sites listed that were imaginative and fun.  From this blog I found several sites that I could use.  I quite liked the soothing "water life" background music (water sounds mixed with what sound like bells or some sort of synthesizer).  I used this music to back up the space exploration sounds of "we choose the moon."  As I began to experiment and play with the other sites, I was quite pleased with how these unrelated sounds blended so well together.  

As a last minute alteration to my presentation I introduced a video from YouTube that I watched recently and quite enjoyed of a young boy from São Paulo being interviewed by a talk show host about a nightmare he experienced after watching a horror movie.  The clip actually proved to be a good transition from the presentation before mine, so I ended up using it.  

There was an element of improvisation to my performance.  I had run through a few different arrangements of the various components at home, but I was not exactly sure how I wanted to order the final project.  I'm happy with the way it turned out, and also that it could have turned out well in a number of ways had I made other decisions.  That was part of the fun.  

I liked hearing what my classmates came up with, even with occasional technical difficulties.  I heard some fun sounds and re-mixes I had never thought existed or dreamed of hearing, and i got me excited to try to create music from common sounds.

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